Are there any command line parameters?

Here is a list of command line parameters that the Spybot-S&D main executable (spybotsd.exe) supports:

  • /taskbarhide
    Runs Spybot-S&D completely hidden (no window, no taskbar icon), so make absolutely sure you use it only in combination with /autoclose (otherwise it would remain in memory sitting idle). Useful only in combination with /autocheck, /autoupdate or /autoimmunize, as it cannot be controlled when completely invisible.
  • /minimized
    Starts the window minimized.
  • /uninstall
    Uninstalls Spybot-S&D. This command line parameter is very outdated - unins00.exe should be used instead!
  • /blinduser
    Starts with support for blind users (special menus).
  • /autoupdate
    Does an update after starting the program.
  • /autocheck
    Starts scanning immediately.
  • /autofix
    Fixes problems after scan.
  • /autoclose
    Closes program after it has scanned or updated.
  • /autoimmunize
    Runs the immunization at program start.
  • /onlyspyware
    Fixes only spyware (red) entries with /autofix, leaving all usage tracks as they are.
  • /easymode
    Starts with easier interface for newbies.
  • /allhives
    Scans all (including inactive) Windows installations for Windows 2000, XP and 2003.

And here is a list of command line parameters that the Spybot-S&D installer (spybotsd14.exe) supports:

  • /silent
    Will display the progress during installation, but not the wizard.
  • /verysilent
    Even the progress will not be shown. Errors etc. would still be shown.
  • /nocancel
    Disables the Cancel and Close button. Useful with /silent.
  • /dir="x:\dirname"
    Installs into that directory instead of the default one.
  • /group="folder name"
    Installs into a program group of that name instead of the default one.
  • /noicons
    Avoids creation of any icons for the installed software.
  • /components="comma separated list of component names"
    Installs the given components instead of the default ones. Components are main, blind (icons for blind users), language (all language files) and skins.

Note: Please be aware that the Spybot-S&D path has to be in quotation marks and multiple parameters have to be separated by a space.

Example: "C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\SpybotSD.exe" /taskbarhide /autoclose /autocheck /autofix /onlyspyware

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